Featured Member
Electronic Press Kit


King Tutt
(Astoria, New York, USA)

Status: AEMPD Member

Location: Astoria, New York, UsA

Bookings: dj.king.tutt1@gmail.com

Matt Tuttle, who goes by the DJ alias King Tutt, is a dedicated music enthusiast who has immersed himself in the world of DJing for the past 1 1/2 years. His focus lies in the seamless fusion of Electronic Music genres such as House, Tech House, and Latin/Afro House. Nestled in the heart of Astoria, King Tutt is fervently shaping his unique sound and brand, driven by the ambition to leave a lasting impact on the music industry through high energy and bringing everyone of different music backgrounds to enjoy his sounds. He aspires to actively contribute to the thriving DJ community, blending diverse beats and creating memorable musical experiences.


